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VIRGO - March 2024 Forecasts

Writer: Anya GuadamuzAnya Guadamuz

Preferably read for your rising sign <3 if you don’t know how to find your rising sign click here: 

TLDR; a big month that involves you a lot in the business of others! enjoy not being able to control these situations (or people) ;) 

The New Moon in Pisces perfects on March 9th, ushering in new beginnings in your 7th House. The 7th house typically deals with “the other person” ei: your spouse, business partner, mentor, counterpart, nemesis. This New Moon occurs near Saturn, which will inevitably bring heaviness, melancholy, and a sense of loss to these new beginnings. Ruled by Jupiter in Taurus and configured to him via sextile, this new moon is in good hands. There is a sense of optimism and support through the events that cause us to let go or lose things.

Mercury enters Aries on March 10th, bringing fiery conversation and innovation to your 8th House. The 8th house governs financial matters that involve other people such as: loans, debts, inheritances, taxes, stolen things, or borrowed things. Mercury often brings announcements, transactions, information, and general chattiness when they ingress into a sign. In the sign of Aries, we can expect these exchanges to be overt, loud, combustible, and sudden - with an appreciation of being “the first” to do or say anything. Mercury will conjoin the north node on March 18th, bringing even more attention to the topics of the 8th House. Things will be loud, declamatory, and challenged by physical or emotional needs (aspect from Moon transiting Cancer around that time). A warning: Mercury plans to station direct on April 1st (a literal cosmic joke), SO: be wary of preparing travel itineraries, buying expensive things, or making definite plans between March 19th - April 24th. If you’re able to wait, WAIT! :)

Venus enters Pisces on March 11th. This transit is uplifted by its condition but afflicted by Saturn’s presence in the sign. Venus exalts in the sign of Pisces, meaning she is able to do Venus-y things with not only ease but honor when she inhabits the sign. The shameful aspect of it all is her application to Saturn during the first part of her journey through Pisces. Saturn is there to constrict, decay, and slow down Venus-y things. Think friendships, marriages, and unions becoming afflicted by Saturn. Saturn is going to afflict Venus by slowing her down, raising concerns of fear in love, and generally blurring lines between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. This is all happening in your 7th House. Later in the month, we’ll get a conjunction of the two planets on March 21st. Interestingly enough, the conjunction happens near the degrees of the earlier Pisces New Moon. Notice the storylines that are relevant to March 9th and March 21st respectively.

A sweet day amidst the emotional drama that is March is the 13th. The Moon will enter her exaltation and conjoin Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. After the harsh aspect that Jupiter and Mars shared towards the end of February, we can expect this lunar transit to ease tensions stemming from your 9th House. A reminder of the stability that permeates topics of that house will be something to be grateful for around this time. Make some travel plans!!!

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th. This marks the start of the astrological new year with the inception of Spring! The Sun is said to exalt in Aries because he is supported by the fiery nature of this Mars-ruled sign and simultaneously begins to gain light rapidly. The Moon inhabits Leo, the Sun’s home, on the day of the ingress, making for a very loud & bright start to the astrological new year. With no planets (yet) in retrograde motion, it’s a fresh start in many ways. Use Aries season as a time to be seen publicly, to shine brightly in every aspect. Aries season encourages last-minute adventures, acting urgently, and setting your ambitions high. For you, this is occurring in your 8th House. 

In the early hours of March 25th, we get a glimpse into the new chain of events propagated by each years’ eclipse cycles. This time around, we’re dealing with the Libra/Aries axis experiencing a partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses are meant to slowly pivot us in new directions by revealing extremes of the human condition. Happening to you in your 8th/2nd houses, this eclipse deals with moneyyyyy! The energy is quite chaotic so I wouldn’t start a new business venture or anything, but it does bring your attention to the physical resources that support us in life. The events occurring near this date have implications in the future, be sure to journal your way through this next round of eclipses!

The last transit we have to keep an eye on, is the Mars ingress to Pisces on the 22nd. Mars in Aquarius gave us stubborn debate and rigidity in action. Mars in Pisces trades intellectual challenges for emotional, intuitive-based ones. Additionally, Mars is now under the influence of Jupiter as opposed to Saturn, causing a gradual acceleration to our day-to-day tests. Because of the elemental nature of Pisces, expect trouble at sea, disruption in waterways, and general challenges involving moving water to make headlines across the world. Happening to you in your 7th house, don’t let nobody tell you shit around this time Virgo! 


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